
Water Filter RO 6000 Gpd equal to 18.000 Litre per day

Last Updated
16 Jan 2025
Country Origin
United States
Minimum Order
1 Unit

RO Water Filter 6000 Gpd equivalent to 18,000 Liters per day 

Description of RO 6000 GPD Water Filter 

Do you have questions? 

What is the best way to get pure water? 

How do you get water with low dissolved solids for boiler feed? 

We need to recycle our waste water flow but the TDS is too high. How can we lower it?

TDS in our feed water is too high. How can we lower it?

What are the ways to provide drinking water for our village?

Want to open a business Refill Depo or bottled water, but far from the source of the spring?

Reverse Osmosis or RO technology is the answer, the water purification process uses high-pressure water flow through a semipermeable membrane, allowing pure and concentrated water to pass through the membrane and to separate contaminants such as bacteria, salt, sugar, protein, particles, dyes, and organics. Ro machines can be used in a variety of industrial solutions, including brackish water treatment, seawater, waste water, and drinking water plants.

Depending on the application, CV. Mandiri Business Partners offers a variety of membranes for your separation needs.

Specification of RO 6000 Gpd Water Filter:

- TDS of raw water is a maximum of 800ppm

- 3 2000 Gpd Stainless Steel Membrane Housing

- 3 pieces of Ro 2000 Gpd Membrane Type Bw 30 - 4040

- 1 Fruit Multistage 3 Centrifugal Pump Booster Mobile Single Phase

- 2 Pieces of Filter Housing 20 "+ Cartridge Spun

- 2 Fruit Pressure Gauge

- 2 Pieces of Flow Meter

- 1 Tube membrane washing chemicals

- 1 lot of westpex piping

- Stainless Steel Frame

- Switch On / Off And Lampo Indicator

- Power at operation: 2250 Watts

This Ro 6000 Gpd Machine Is Suitable For:

- Refill Water Depot business

- Water Cooling Machine For Factories

- Drinking Water Employees Office, Factory, Etc.

- Business Restaurants, Restaurants, and Catering

- Hospital for the purposes of operating theaters and dialysis, etc.


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