The engine Reverse Osmosis Ro 200 Gpd Equivalent 750 liters Per day to 200 Gpd Ro Engine Capacity 750 liters Per Day (24 hours) Engine specifications:-1 piece 200 Gpd Ro Membrane-1 Fruit Booster Pump 24 Volt Dc Ro + Adaptor AC/DC 200 Gpd Capacity-3 pieces of the Filter Housing 10-sided "Spun, Gac and carbon blocks (Cto)-1 piece Carbon-Post Automatically Incoming water systems (Solenoid), a full Tank (Hps) and the tank is empty (Lps)-1 piece of Goose Neck Tap (Faucet)-Iron-Plate Frame Size 55 X 33 X 43 Cm-Usage